9610 Haddon Avenue – Pacoima, California 91333
818 896-1676 (English) – 818 899-4115 (Japanese) – 818 896-1575 (Fax)
January 23, 2006
Sunday Ministries
Get involved with our church as we begin two services starting in February 4, 2001!
Usher/Greeter Ministry- team leaders: Keith Kobayashi, Bob Nakada and Stan Date
Chairperson Ministry- team leaders Bryce Yokomizo and Brain Inamine
Alter Flowers – sign up on the chart at the back of Howe Hall
Praise Team Ministry-team leaders Dave Tomita and Tony Kim
Audio and Sound Ministry-team leaders Dale Gin and Ken Mori
Coffee/Fellowship Ministry-team leader Marian Tomita
Guests and Visitors Ministry-team leader Debi Inamine
Visitation Ministry-team leaders Stan Date and Curt Ogawa
More information and response sheet