9610 Haddon Avenue – Pacoima, California 91333
818 896-1676 (English) – 818 899-4115 (Japanese) – 818 896-1575 (Fax)
January 23, 2006
San Fernando Valley Holiness Church
2005-2006 Koinonia Small Group Ministry – updated 1/18/0
New Season begins the Week of January 15, 2006
For more details call the church at 818-896-1676.
Sundays 9 AM, first meeting Jan 22,
Discipleship 101
Stan Date
Sundays 9 AM, first meeting Jan 22,
Discipleship 101, 102, 103
Mike Mori
2nd and 4th Sundays, 5 PM, first meeting Feb 12
Circa 100 Reading Group – “Gilead” by Marilynne Robinson
2nd Sunday of each month following 11 AM worship service
Prayer support group for those struggling with mental health issues
Joy Takahashi
Mondays, 7 PM
John Piper’s “Battling Unbelief”
Joy Takahashi
Tuesdays, 8:30 AM, start date deferred
Purpose Driven LIve
Alan Malunao
Tuesdays, 9 AM
Purpose Driven Life
Roy Lucas
2nd, 3rd, 4th Tuesdays, 7 PM, first meeting Jan 17
Sermon on the Mount
Eric and Sandy Sato, child care for elementary age children
Tuesdays, 7:30 PM
Purpose Driven Life
Don Hori, child care available
Wednesdays, 9 AM
Sermon on the Mount
Janis Nagatoshi , group for women
Wednesdays, 9 AM
Purpose Driven Life
Mits Tomita, group for women
Wednesdays, 7 PM
Purpose Driven Life
Susie Hori and Satomi Nishimoto, group for women
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 7:30 PM, first meeting Jan 18
Sermon on the Mount
Kevin Endo, Soli Deo group for single career adults
Wednesdays, 7 PM
Purpose Driven Life
Don Kobayashi, group for men. Please contact Pastor Rob if you are interested in joining this group
Wednesdays, 7:30 PM
Purpose Driven Life
Sets and Marian Tomita
Every other Wednesday, 7:30 PM, first meeting Jan 25
Purpose Driven Life
Dave Lee, group for men
Thursdays, 9:30 AM
Sermon on the Mount
Rob Yonemoto, childcare available
Every other Thursday, 7:30 PM, first meeting Jan 26
Gospel of Matthew
Eryn Ujita Lee and Cora Sagara, covenant group for women
Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Sermon on the Mount
Aki Kawamata, group for college students
Fridays, 7:30 PM
Sermon on the Mount
Sheldon and Leslie Eng, childcare available
Fridays, 7:30 PM
Purpose Driven Life
Pattie Hazama and Lynne Yonemoto, group for women
Fridays, 7:30 PM
Evangelism: learning how to share Christ and the Gospel with family members and friends
Bob and Sally Nakada