Koinonia Kids

9610 Haddon Avenue – Pacoima, California 91333
818 896-1676 (English) – 818 899-4115 (Japanese) – 818 896-1575 (Fax)

Koinonia Kids

September 16, 2001 – Our Sunday childrens ministry, Koinonia Kids Ministry, is looking for teachers for the pre-k, kindergarten, and lower primary (grades 1-3) classes. And we need one teacher for our Junior High class. The kindergarten and elementary teachers are responsible for thirty minutes of teaching time on their rotation. (Worship, crafts, recreation, refreshments are done by other volunteers). We have a curriculum that is easy to follow, and will help you with planning lessons, etc. There are about 11 kinders and 18-20 lower primary. If you are interested inserving or would like further information, please contact Patti Kimura ([email protected]) or Joy Takahashi ([email protected]). For pre-k, please contact Grace Cheng ([email protected]). Thank you!

All children grades K-6 should go directly to the Educational Building at 11 am for Koinonia Kids. The ministry will take place during the 11:00 AM service. There will be no children’s program or child care during the 9:00 AM service at this time.

Children ages 0-4 will go to their rooms in the large modular in Rooms 1A and 1B as usual. There they will be ministered to and cared for by a team of loving adults and older youth. Their time will include Bible stories, music, play time, and refreshments. Parents will be asked to sing in and out these little ones.

Kindergarten – 6th grades:
By 11:00 AM parents are asked to bring their Kindergarten through 6th grade children to the Educational Building. For kindergarteners through 6th graders, their Sunday mornings will look something like this:

11:00-11:20: Worship–All children together in the Educational Building
11:20-11:50–Lesons-Children are led by their teachers to their respective classrooms
11:50-12:15–Recreation/Crafts-Children are led to their craft or recreation time
12:15-12:30–Refreshments-All children together in covered patio area.
12:30–Parents pick up their children in the patio area.

The Children’s Ministry Team is excited about the Team KID (Kids in Discipleship) curriculum chosen for the kindergaten through 6th graders. This dynamic, fun curriculum focuses on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, growth in knowledge of the Bible, and building healthy relationships with one another.

Please note: During the 11:00 AM worship service, all children must either be with the Koinonia Kids ministry, or in worship service with their parents. Please help us keep our children safe!

Junior Highers will go to their own teaching time every Sunday. They will go to their class from worship service at 11:30 AM. Susie Hori and Don Hori will share the teaching ministry to these students.

Hey, High Schoolers! Want to grow spiritually?
Want to get to know two really cool guys named Don and Stan? High School Sunday School class will begin meeting Sunday, October 28, 2001, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Ed. Bldg. We welcome all high school students!.

Please join us in praying for this ministry! We warmly welcome your children, your children’s friends, their friends…We long for God to touch all their lives! If you have any questions, ideas, or concerns about this ministry, or you’d like to participate in this new ministry, please see any of the Children’s Ministry Team: Patti Kimura (director), Grace Cheng, Cindy Gin, Stacey Lim, JoAnn Mori, Joy Takahashi, and Lynne Yonemoto. Thank you!

Teaching Team
Worship Team
Recreation Team
Crafts Team
Refreshments Team
Prayer Team