About Our Family

9610 Haddon Avenue – Pacoima, California 91333
818 896-1676 (English) – 818 899-4115 (Japanese) – 818 896-1575 (Fax)

CHLOE! Our congratulations and love to Scott and Stacey Lim who dedicate their daughter Chloe to God today! May God bless her life and their life together as a family!

Congratulations to
Our 2003 Graduates!!
Graduate School
Michelle Morita-M.Div.,Fuller Seminary

Kerri Hazama – UCLA
Lauren Shojinaga – UC Riverside
Kara Takahashi – UCLA

High School
Daryl Furuyama
Kevin Hirata
Kyle Mori
Joel Nagatoshi
Megan Okui
Chelsea O’Neill
Sumire Sakakibara
Craig Takashima
Ryan Takasugi
Kimberly Wong
Ryan Yoshimasu
Lauren Yokomizo

Tom Kira returned home Wednesday afternoon (5/21/03) from St Vincent’s hospital where he underwent kidney transplant surgery last Friday. Tom is doing very well in his recovery, and glad to be home! We can be praying that Tom and his new kidney will not experience any problems with rejection, and that he will be able to receive the full benefit (and none of the side effects) of the strong anti-rejection drugs he is now taking (and will be taking for the rest of his life). The kidney donor, Tom and Lynda’s third son, Jared, is probably already out playing soccer again, such has been the speed and strength of his recovery. (Jared returned home just two days after the surgery, on Sunday.) Thanks for your prayers for the Kiras. God has answered in a powerful and glorious way!

We received news that Tom and Jared Kira’s kidney transplant has been rescheduled for FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2003!! They will be checking into the hospital Thursday, May 15. Please, please be praying. This is a high risk surgery for Tom, and yet his only hope for any recovery. He and Jared are very anxious to go ahead with it. The family is confident in the Lord’s sovereignty and the fact that He is in complete control, but because of all the stressful things that have been happening in the past several months, I know they would really appreciate your prayers.

After a long struggle with cancer, Harvey Sherman passed away at home, May 14, 2003. Please especially be in prayer for his wife, Emiko, for Harvey’s children, and for the entire family as they mourn the loss of this wonderful man who was so full of life and laughter. The family requests that we hold off on visiting for the time being. Please check back with Pastor Roland if you wish to call on Emiko in the upcoming days. Harvey did recently establish a personal relationship with Jesus so we can
rejoice in this.
The memorial service for Bette Kira has been set for Tuesday, May 13,2003, 7:00 PM at
SFVHC. There will be a potluck light reception following the service.
May we ask for your continued prayers for the Kiras, especially for Tom, Jr. as he goes to
the doctor tomorrow to determine if they will be able to schedule his kidney transplant
surgery soon.

April 27, 2003
Dear brothers and sisters of the San Fernando Valley Holiness Church,

            A few weeks ago, a petition was circulated at our church advocating an alternative proposition on the Women-In-Pastoral-Ministry issue.  That petition, signed by 77 of you, was then presented to the Board of Deacons for affirmation.  Your Board met and considered the petition at length.  After much discussion, and for reasons set forth below, the Board decided to forward the petition to our conference Executive Council without formal affirmation. 

            This ministry issue has generated much passionate debate over the years.  Abundant scholarly writings weigh on both sides.  And, at the 2002 congregational meeting, when we voted on the existing Women-In-Pastoral-Ministry proposition, our congregation was almost evenly divided over this question.  As your Deacons reflected on this history, and looked ahead to our church’s continuing role as God’s agent for urgent change in a dying world, it became clear to us that we could not give our affirmation to this well-intended, thoughtful petition.  We felt that the proffered proposition, if affirmed by us, would be seen by some as perhaps a callous casting aside of our church’s previous close vote – a vote that meant much to many.  Also, the rise of dissension not only at our church, but also on a conference-wide scale, was seen as a real risk.  We could foresee a complaint that this proposition was SFVHC’s attempt to unduly influence the outcome of the Women-As-Pastors decision.  And, we believed that this intended proposition might further delay the ultimate decision on this question, and, thus, divert more time and energy away from urgent tasks such as developing more effective strategies for saving lost people.

            However, we could not ignore the fact that 77 people from this church signed the petition.  So, we have forwarded the petition – with all the signatures – to the Executive Council.  In the process, the Council has been advised, not only of our decision to withhold affirmation of the petition, but also of our sense that the weight of 77 signatures on the petition may mean something that the Council should consider.

            Perhaps some of you may disagree with our decision (and feel free to voice that dissent).  However, please know that your Deacons did not reach this conclusion lightly, and that we were of the unanimous belief that this decision was consistent with God’s plans for this church and for this conference. 

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
Brian S. Inamine
On behalf of the Board of Deacons of the San Fernando Valley Holiness Church

We would like to extend our love and welcome to Louise Hari, Sally Ito, Don and Janis Hori, Marc Hori, Kurt Wegner,Henry Morita, Michelle Morita, Mike Koizumi, Jennifer Trax, Kenny Trax, Fuyumi Hashimoto, andCurtis Nagatoshi, as they are received into the membership of our church March 9, 2003. How we thank God for all of you and the gift you are to this community of disciples!

Tom’s funeral service will be held this Wednesday, March 12, at 7:00 PM here at the church.
Our condolences and love to Bette Kira and the Kira family upon the passing of Tom Kira, Sr. this past Wednesday evening. (Tom was 85 years old.) He will be deeply missed, all the more for the quiet, humble, and steadfast way he served this church for many years. There will be a potluck light reception following the service.

Tom Kira, Sr. passed away last evening, March 5, 2003,
after a long series of struggles with his health. He was a remarkable man in his own quiet and humble way, a brother whose devotion to God through his servant love for his wife, Bette, and his family, and for this church, was so strong and steady over so many years.
Thank you for your prayers for his beloved Bette (herself now of frail health, but, more, of irreducible love for Jesus), for Tom, Jr. and Lynda and Kelly, Kim, Jared, and Josh, for Stan and Shelia and Kimberly and Kristin.
We will let you know when services for Tom will be held.

Congratulations to Dave, Anne, and Patricia Tomita as they welcome
Allison Setsuko Tomita
Weight: 6 lbs, 0 oz, Length: 19 in.
Born on January 28, 2003

FOR YOUR PRAYERS, February 3, 2003:
For our pastors as they attend the annual OMS Pastors’ Retreat (Feb 3-6, 2003). Please pray for their spiritual refreshment and the discussion of important issues facing our Conference. (Pastor Rob will also be attending the Executive Council Meeting at WLA Holiness on February 7-8).
God’s provision of another English teacher to work along side Joy Tani in J.O.Y. Club. Pray that this person will be available to go to Japan by the end of February to begin training.
Ruth Sorenson (Lynda Kira’s mom), Tom Kira, Jr., Sumi Kimura and the Kimura family (upon the passing of Sam Kimura on Jan.3), Tom Kira, Sr., Bette Kira, Mary Inada, Bryce Yokomizo, Ike Yokomizo, Harvey Sherman, Ken Date, Mayumi Fox, Ruth Kataoka, Tadao Okui, Donna Toya, Fumi Shiomi, Jim Kimura, Kellyann Lee, Winnie Tapper, Mary Shinoda, Tom Yoshikawa’s father and brother, and others struggling with ongoing health problems.

FOR YOUR PRAYERS, Janurary 25, 2003:
Bryce Yokomizo (angiogram scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2003). Ruth Sorenson (Lynda Kira’s mom) recovering from heart surgery.
She remains on a respirator until her condition stabilizes.
Tom Kira, Jr., Sumi Kimura and the Kimura family (upon the passing of Sam Kimura on Jan.3), Tom Kira, Sr., Mary Inada, Ike Yokomizo, Harvey Sherman, Ken Date, Mayumi Fox, Ruth Kataoka, Tadao Okui, Donna Toya, Fumi Shiomi, Jim Kimura, Kellyann Lee, Winnie Tapper, Mary Shinoda, Tom Yoshikawa’s father and brother, and others struggling with ongoing health problems.

Wednesday, January 15th, Mrs. Yaeko Matsumoto, a very longtime, dedicated member of our Nichigo congregation passed away from a heart attack. She had been in church to worship God with her sisters and brothers here just the Sunday before, as she had every Sunday for many, many years. Mrs. Matsumoto was 87 years old.

The funeral service for Mrs. Matsumoto will be this Thursday, January 23, 2003, at 7:30 PM in the SFVHC sanctuary. Though the service will be in Japanese only, English division members would certainly be welcomed and appreciated by Mrs. Matsumoto’s family.

Our love and best wishes to Nancy Lee & Greg Nakamura
who were married Saturday, January 11, 2003! May the Lord bless and guide the happy couple. Congratulations to Dr. Morris & Susan Nakamura, parents of Greg.

The celebration of the life of Sam Kimura
will be held on Sat., Jan. 18, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the SFVJA Community Center.
There will be a potluck dinner. Aloha or casual attire. Any questions, call Sally Hamamoto.

FOR YOUR PRAYERS, Jan 12, 2003:
Ruth Sorenson (Lynda Kira’s mom) recovering from heart surgery.
She remains on a respirator until her condition stabilizes.
Tom Kira, Jr. will be needing surgery to remove polyps from his nasal cavity.
Sumi Kimura and the Kimura family (upon the passing of Sam Kimura on Jan.3), Tom Kira, Sr., Mary Inada, Ike Yokomizo, Harvey Sherman, Ken Date, Mayumi Fox, Ruth Kataoka, Tadao Okui, Donna Toya, Fumi Shiomi, Jim Kimura, Kellyann Lee, Winnie Tapper, Mary Shinoda, Tom Yoshikawa’s father and brother, and others struggling with ongoing health problems.

Friday, January 3, 2003-Sam Kimura, beloved husband of Sumi Kimura for 54 years, and dear friend of our church for many years (he did so many things for us over the years that few ever saw or knew, including coming to the church immediately after the ’94 earthquake to be sure everything was ok) passed away quietly earlier this evening after never recovering from a coma he fell into as a result of a heart attack suffered on Christmas Eve. Sam was 73 years old.

Sumi, their five children and spouses, and their grandchildren (including son Greg and
Patti and Kim Kimura) were able to be with Sam in the last days and hours of his life,
time they so much treasured being able to have.

Thank you for your prayers for Sam, and for Sumi and the family. Sumi is so grateful for
the support and love she has received from her church family in these hard, hard days. In
the strength of Jesus, whom she loves and trusts, Sumi is doing ok. Thank you for your
continued prayers for her and the family.

12/30/02 – For Sam Kimura who collapsed on Christmas eve and remains in a coma. Please also keep Sumi and the Kimura family in your prayers.
For Lauren Shojinaga and Justin Sun serving on short term missions team in Mexicali. They are scheduled to return on new year’s eve. Pray for physical and spiritual strength for them.
For Naomi Koya, Koyoto Kato, Hayato Tsuchiya, Rino Sasaki, Akane-san, and Izumi Kono who are attending the Equipper’s Conference from 12/27-1/1. Pray that God would strengthen their faith and provide practical skills and tools for ministering to others–especially those in Japan when they return there.
Tom Kira, Sr recovering from surgery for cranial hematoma and broken hip, Mary Inada (severe dizziness and eye problems) is also improving. She is receiving antibiotics orally and through an IV.

Tom Kira, Sr’s imminent surgery.
There is fluid/blood build-up in his cranium which will require surgery. He also needs a feeding tube inserted as Tom has eaten virtually nothing the past few days and very little the past weeks. His weakened state makes surgery that much more touch and go. As of last night his operation was yet to be scheduled.
Tom Jr. also needs our prayers. You already know he is on dialysis. He was scheduled for an intravenous therapy yesterday (a system flush beyond what he normally does in his daily routine) but the attendants couldn’t find an vein suitable for the I-V insertion. They will try again today. Tom is not feeling well.
Lastly, pray for the entire Kira family, but especially for Lynda.

Our congratulations to Kelly and Mayumi Fox
who reaffirmed their marriage vows on November 30, 2002, originally made almost 20 years ago. May God bless them, and their children Kevin and Kellyna, with His joy, strength and peace!

Nov 20, 2002 – Thank you for your prayers for Nana Nishida. We praise God that her angiogram earlier today went safely and did provide an accurate picture of her condition. The angiogram showed that her right coronary artery was almost completely blocked. (It was a blessing that she went in when she did!) The cardiologist performed an angioplasty to open up the vessel and placed a stent in it to help keep it open. She is very tired, but she is resting comfortably. If all goes well, they will let Nana come home tommorrow (Thursday). It might be good for us to hold off on any visits or phone calls for a few days (or at least to keep them brief), so that Nana can get the rest she needs.

Nana has asked me to express her deep gratitude to all of her church family for their support and love, and especially prayers, during this difficult time. And daughter Pauline has asked if I might include the following thank you note below. (All of Nana’s daughters are so grateful for all of you.)

in the strong hope of Christ, Rob Yonemoto

***Dear church family,
It is so hard to be away at times like these…but I still remember before leaving for NYC, how the Lord gave me peace and assurance that you are my parents’ “community”. Because of this comfort, knowing what a loving church family you are…I’ve been able to
answer His call to NYC. Thank you so much for being there for us…with all your prayers,
visits, and expressions of love…words can’t express our heartfelt thanks! We only ask God to bless you in overflowing abundance!!! 
love, pauline***

Prayers and Praises for December 2002:

For our December Machida team members: Patti Kimura, Curt and Grace Ogawa, and Diane Date–going to Japan from Dec. 3-17.

For the family of Satsuko Nakagawa (Tara Chiu’s grandmother) who recently passed away. Nana Nishida recovering from angiogram and angioplasty, Ronald Lew (Leslie Eng’s Dad), also recovering from angioplasty, Tom Kira, Sr recovering from broken hip, Ike Yokomizo (Grace’s husband, Bryce’s dad) recovering from heart bypass and valve replacement surgery; Harvey Sherman (Emiko Furuyama’s husband) diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, ken Date (Stan’s brother) reoccurrence of cancer, Charlie Okuhara (Diana Date’s dad) in rehab for stroke. Mayumi Fox (undergoing chemotherapy).

Congratuations to Keith and Lena Kobayashi
upon the birth of their newest daughter, Jenna Kei, who was born on October 21, 2002. She weighted 7 lbs, 12 oz and was 19.5″ long. Jenna and mom are doing well. Those interested in providing a meal for the Kobayashis should contact Audrey Yamamoto.

October 14, 2002 – Please pray for: Harvey Sherman (Emiko Furuyama’s husband) diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, ken Date (Stan’s brother) reoccurrence of cancer, Charlie Okuhara (Diana Date’s dad) in rehab for stroke. Mayumi Fox (undergoing chemotherapy), Handy Matsuda (Danny’s dad), Fumi Shiomi (recovering from hip surgery), Ruth Kataoka (Julie Tomita’s mom) undergoing chemotherapy.

Grace Ogawa is scheduled for a hysterectomy on October 2, 2002 at 12:30 PM at Kaiser Hospital in Panorama City. Please pray that the surgery would go smoothly and that Grace would have a quick recovery. Contact Mits Tomita if you would like to provide a meal.

Miles Chen will be attending Kettering University in October. Miles will be leaving this Tuesday, October 1, 2002 for Flint, Michigan. Pray that he would get acclimated quickly and that he would be able to find an internship here in LA!

Service for Tom Callin is planned for this Saturday, September 14th, at 2 PM. More details to follow. Please pray John and Rumi Callin during this difficult time.

Amy has been scheduled for surgery late on Thursday, Aug 29, 2002, at the Northridge Hospital. Through the graciousness of God, the surgeons decided to make space for Amy in their already full schedule so that they may address her needs as soon as possible. The surgery will involve removing the large cyst/mass in her abdomen and removing much or all of her right ovary.

Our condolences to the family of Jim Tanaka (father of Carol Higa and grandfather of Jimmy and Kerin Higa) who passed away on Wednesday, August 7, 2002. We pray that God would comfort them during this difficult time.

Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the family of George Yoshimura (of our Nichigo Dept), who passed away on Wednesday, July 24, 2002. We pray that God would be their comfort in their time of sorrow.

Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the family of Jiro Inada (brother of Yas Inada), who passed away on Friday, July 19, 2002. We pray that God would be their comfort in their time of sorrow.

Prayer Request, July 16, 2002: Danny Matsuda’s father, Handy, is being taken this morning to Good Samaritan hospital for life threatening complications arising from diabetes. (Unstable blood sugar levels have caused systemic organ malfunction.) This morning attendants at Keiro Retirement Home, where Handy is a resident, found him unconscious and unresponsive in bed. Would you please pray for Handy, for Danny, and for Danny’s brothers and sisters, especially that they all might be able to make it home from around the country to spend time with and minister to their father in this critical time? Thank you.

Prayer Request, July 2, 2002: Wednesday morning, July 3rd, our dear brother, Tom Kira, Jr. will be undergoing open heart triple bypass surgery at the Northridge Hospital. Would you lift up Tom and Lynda, the boys and family to our heavenly Father, and pray for successful surgery and for Tom’s good recovery? (Tom is looking forward to possibility of feeling better and stronger in daily health as a result of this surgery.) The gift of our strong intercession for Tom and Lynda at this time is really most fitting because we ourselves, as a body and individually, have so much been the blessed recipients of Tom’s and Lynda’s devout and constant prayers for us over many years. Thank you so much for your love for them, and we thank God for their love for us, and His love for them.

May we also ask your continued prayers for Mary Shinoda, who is still in the hospital undergoing treatment for her weakened heart and respiratory condition. (She is out of ICU and since late last week, off the ventilator, and on the whole is feeling and doing better. The family requests no visits at this time so that Mary can rest and rebuild her strength, but Mary and the family do so much appreciate your prayers!)

Mount Hermon Roster for 2002

Prayer Request, June 26, 2002: May we ask your prayers for Mary Shinoda, who has been hospitalized since last Saturday in the cardiac ICU at the Tarzana Regional Medical Center. Mary remains on a ventilator as a result of experiencing respiratory distress, itself the result of fluid buildup in her lungs due to infection. Her heart too is in a weakened state, and having to work very hard. (The intestinal bleeding which originally brought Mary into the hospital seems under control.) Specifically we can pray that doctors will be able to effectively treat her lung congestion so that she can breath on her own and be removed from the ventilator, and that they be able to treat and strengthen her heart function.

Would you please keep Mr. Shinoda and Mary’s daughters Janice (Nagatoshi), Diana (Furuyama) and Nancy (Hicks) and their families in your prayers in this difficult time? They are strong in faith and looking to God, and they so much appreciate the love and intercession of this church family.

Message from Monica Nishida and family, 6/23/02
I would like to express my deep gratitude to each member of my wonderful church family for your many, many acts of kindness during my mother’s illness and home-going. The meals, flowers, cards, hospital visits, and prayer support meant so much. You did so much to ease the burden of my family here, and my family back east was overwhelmed by your loving support. They deeply appreciate your kindness extended to them when they visited here, and for making it possible for me to join them for the service and internment in Indiana. My most heartfelt thanks to each of you.

Congratuations to families dedicating infants to the Lord on Father’s Day 2002
David and Erika Yamasaki, dedicating Jayden
Glen and Audrey Yamamoto, dedicating Jordan
Sheldon and Leslie Eng, dedicating Timothy

Congratulations 2002 Graduates:
Maya Chen – Claremont McKenna College
Dani Date – UC Irvine
Fuyumi Hashimoto – UC San Diego
Eric Nishimoto – University of Illinois
Lisa Plaskow – UC Berkeley
Justin Yakura – UCLA (December 2001)
High School-
Amy Date, Jimmy Higa, Mandy Hirata, Marc Hori, Kristin Kobayashi, Matt Shojinaga
Please pray that God will bless and lead these graduates–all dearly loved by Him!–in His good and perfect will for their future.

Best Wishes to Keri Otake and Josh Kira
daughter of Bobby and Juli Otake and son of Tom and Lynda Kira who were married on Saturday, June 1, 2002. God bless them as they begin their lives together!

Our heartfelt condolences and prayers
go out to the family of Virginia Young who passed away last Sunday, May 12. Thank you for your continued prayers for her daughters, Rev. Paula Mayberry and Monica (Kazzy) Nishida and grandchildren, Hannah Mayberry and Kassandra, McKinley, Montgomery, and Kent Nishida. May God comfort them in their time of loss. The funeral service was held Thursday, May 23, 2002.

Congratulations to Mark and Hannah Sakata
who dedicated their daughter, Ashley, during the 11 AM Mother’s Day 2002 Service. We are grateful to God for the precious gift of this child, and pray His strength and wisdom upon her parents.

Winter Vision Conferees and Staff-Jan 18-21, 2002
Jane Aliki, Ofa Aliki, Amy Date, Daryl Furuyama, Courtney Gin, Kerin Higa, Jimmy Higa, Kevin Hirata, marc Hori, Alesandra Horii, Ari Imazu, Elyse Inamine, Eric Inamine, Camille Ishihara, Matthew Kagiwada, Kristin Kobayashi, Cory McMahan, Kyle McMahan, Eric Miyamoto, Justin Miyamoto, Aaron Mori, Kyle Mori, Curtis Nagatoshi, Joel Nagatoshi, Megan Okui, Chelsea O’Neill, Shinobu Sakakibara, Sumire Sakakibara, Matt Shojinaga, Travis Shojinaga, Kaitlin Takahashi, Cragin Takashima, Dean Takashima, Ryan Takasugi, Matt Toya, Shannon Yamanaka, DanielYamashita, Ryan Yoshimasu, Kasey Yoshimura. Staff: Dani Date, Fuyumi Hashimoto, Aki Kawamata, Michael Klinedinst, Kara Takahashi.

Baptised on Sunday, December 23, 2001
Lauren Yokomizo, Marc Hori, Megan Okui, Kyle Mori, Chelsea O’Neill, Jimmy Higa, Michael Koizumi, Phil Miyamoto and Kelly Fox (reaffirmation of baptism vows).

December 2, 2001 – The Lamplighter High School Fellowship group
thanks you for your contributions to the Ground Zero Relief Fund. $418 dollars was raised for the fund. The Ground Zero Relief Fund receives donations which will be used to assist victims and their families with funeral expenses, counseling, medication, and emergency funds for rent, utilities, phones for the short term. They have the pro-bono services of attorneys and CPAs that are helping structuring this fund to comply will all government regulations, and to ensure that the funds are disbursed using predetermined and equitable guidelines. 100% of these funds will be used for the victims and their families.

November 25, 2001 – A Note from Joy Tani
I really want to express my sincere appreciation for the church sending the Three Mamas-Diane, Patti, and Yumiko-to minister with me at Evergreen Chapel in Machida!. What a tremendous impact each one of them made in so many of the lives here in Japan. The seeds that they planted were too numerous to count. My student, Yoko Shinjo, who accepted Christ at the luncheon they hosted is now coming to worship service. She is very hungry to know more about Jesus. Each one of them with their many gifts brought so much glory to God as they were obedient to serving Him so wholeheartedly here. God honored all the prayers that went forth on their behalf. Thank you so much again for sending workers into the great harvest here in Japan. Blessing upon you all, -Joy

November 25, 2001 – “Heartfelt thanks to the church family for your calls, visits, cards, flowers, food, and especially your prayers. God has been answering prayers as I am recovering slowly but surely.” -Alan Malunao

Praise God for the children dedicated to the Lord!
On November 18, 2001:
Sara Tomita (daughter of Peter and Juli)
Evan Yonemoto (son of Rob and Lynne)

November 2001 – Would you please remember in your prayers:
Would you please remember in your prayers: Judy Higa and family, whose mother, Hong Hee Lee, passed away on October 31st (Judy is the wife of one of our former pastors, Russell Higa); Alan Malunao, who is now recovering at home from shingles; Tom Kira, Jr. and Winnie Tapper who are hoping to be accepted for kidney transplant protocol; Stan Kira, laid up with a bad back injury; the planning and preparations to send a ministry team to NYC in mid-December, and those planning to go; our Deacons, Trustees, and Master Plan Committee as they seek the Lord for the future of our church and the plans and ministry He has for us; and Pastor Curt and Grace Ogawa (in the last couple of weeks of their sabbatical). Thank you!

Thank you to Nancy Howe and Tony and Leslie Kim for the beautiful floral arrangement given last Sunday, July 1, in memory of Jim Howe on the occasion of his birthday. We do remember, and continue to be grateful for Jim’s life, service, and example of faith.

Congratulations to Mark and Hannah Sakata
on the birth of their first child, Ashley Eunhye! She was born on June 27, 2001, weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 19.5″ long. Mom and baby are doing well. God bless the happy family!

Congratulations to Kim Kira and Jennifer Takamine
who were engaged on June 19, 2001!! A winter wedding is planned.

Praise God for all the children dedicated to the Lord!
On Mother’s Day, May, 13, 2001:
Patricia Terumi Tomita (daughter of Dave and Anne)
Jonathan Makoto Yamasaki (son of Dave and Erika)
On Father’s Day, June 17, 2001:
Brandon Matthew Eng (son of Sheldon and Leslie)
Alyxis Emi-Patience Nakano and Justyne Aiko-Peace Nakano (daughters of Dane and Irene)
Amanda Tori Yamamoto (daughter of Glen and Audrey)

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for those received into church membership on May 6, 2001
Reiko Iga, Dave and Eryn Lee, Danny Matsuda, Jean Matsuda, Justin Yagura, and Grace Yokomizo.

A letter from Jin Tokuhara, our nichigo member who is studying at Tokyo Biblical Seminary