9610 Haddon Avenue – Pacoima, California 91333
818 896-1676 (English) – 818 899-4115 (Japanese) – 818 896-1575 (Fax)
Jesus answered,’I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’.
– John 14:6
January 23, 2006
Pastors Rob Yonemoto, Roland Hazama, Tetsuo Kagiwada
Sunday Worship Service 9 a.m. (English) and 11 a.m. (English and Japanese)
SFVHC Calendar | SFVHC Directory (Password Required) | 2005-06 Koinonia Groups
2006 PICTORIAL CHURCH DIRECTORY: Our church is going to publish a new pictorial directory. The photography dates are Thurs.-Fri., Feb. 23-24 ( 3 -9 pm) and Sat., Feb. 25 (10 am-4 pm). Reserve your appointment time this Sunday, Jan. 22, (and the next 3 Sundays) during the coffee hour and after the 11:00 service, out on the patio. Sign up early to get your preferred time! You don’t have to be a church member to be a part of the directory. Each family/household that comes for photography and portrait viewing will receive a complimentary 8×10 custom color portrait and one free pictorial directory. You will be able to view and select your portraits electronically from a variety of poses. Your entire appointment will normally take less than one hour. We want to have everyone participate!!
SAVE THE DATE: Monday, January 30, we will be collating the CC Newsletter in the gym at the Community Center, beginning at 6:00 p.m. This simple act of service is a small way to extend the love of Jesus to our friends in the community. It takes about 30 minutes, but the more hands we have the faster the work will get done!!
For Winnie Tapper, who will be having angioplasty surgery on her left leg the Tuesday, Jan. 24th. For Alan Malunao, who will be having back surgery (disk compressions) on Jan. 31, & will be undergoing pre-op tests, and consultations from now until then. Praise God that Roy Lucas is not having problems with his heart! Chest pains have been attributed to his back problem. Roy will be needing back surgery so please keep him in your prayers as he consults with his doctors. Also, praise God that Roy was able to lead his Koinonia group on Tuesday morning!!Please pray for their protection, as they (Winnie, Al, and Roy) all undergo preliminary testing, that they will stay healthy, and that they will know God’s comfort, presence and especially His peace, as they meet with their doctors.
It’s a boy!! Congratulations to Greg & Nancy Nakamura upon the birth of their first child, Nathaniel Greg Nakamura. Please pray that the Lord would pour out His blessings during this special time for the new little Nakamura family, that the Lord would protect Nancy and Nathaniel from infection, for Nancy’s quick recovery from the c-section, and rest & strength for the whole family!! Pray that Nathaniel will continue to be healthy, joyful, peaceful, and happy (G&N are praying for all 9 fruit of the Spirit). Congratulations, also, to new grandparents, Dr. Morris and Susan Nakamura and to Uncle Troy!
For Pastor Rob and other Executive Council membersas they lead the townhall meetings on Conference restructuring at three of our sister churches in NorCal this weekend.
Kerri Hazama & Christina Higashi on short term missions
Frank Wada (recovering from prostate surgery), Lucille Chen (recovering from a mild stroke), Audrey Wegner (pancreatic cancer), Alisa Evans (infection around the heart), Mary Sherman (uterine cancer), Diane Ikeda (lung cancer), Nancy Sakakura, Gail Hirata (cancer of lymph nodes), Michael Okumura, Ken Johns, (prostate cancer), Sam Cheng (stroke), Tom Furuyama, Ruth Sorensen, Camille Nakada, Ruth Kataoka, Fumi Shiomi, Jim & Fuji Kimura, and others struggling with health problems.
CHURCH CLEANUP (Thank you!):
1/29: Roland & Pattie Hazama, Eric & Sandy Sato, Kurt Wegner
2/5: Morris & Susan Nakamura, Tom & Cathy Yoshikawa
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our church will be hosting General Conference on July 13-15 here at SFVHC. This is the annual meeting of delegates and pastors from our sister churches. There are many different areas where we will need help: Food, housing, transportation, serving, greeters, making favors/gifts, etc. Anyone who would like to serve in any capacity, please contact Marian Tomita. This is a large undertaking and we can use everyone’s help!!
PRAYER SAFARI CLUB meeting dates for January are: Jan. 13, 20, and 27th. This is a prayer club for 1st through 5th graders. They meet on Fridays (except the first Friday of the month) from 6:20 – 7:20 p.m. in the KidVenture building for lessons on prayer, games, and PIZZA! All are welcome! Use this opportunity to invite a new friend to church!
Need transportation?
JEMS PRESENTS RETRO NITE, an evening of special folks sharing their songs with a time of “just singing along”on Saturday, January 28, from 7 p.m. at the West Covina Christian Church (1100 East Cameron Ave., West Covina, 626-917-0743). Come and visit your friends from the 70s and 80s! Featured to date: Bill Watanabe (Amy Chuman, Linda Furuto, Mabel Harman, our own Pastor Roland Hazama!, Arlene Inouye, Eileen Nawa), Calvin Joe, Dan Watanabe, Dale Asamoto, Randy Wayamori, Everlasting (Jimi Yamagishi, Melinda Lee-Hsia, Ralph Ono, Randy Wayamori, Art Fong, Preston Lee, Dean Sato), and Phebe (Nishimoto) Arlen. Info: Mary Tabuchi
BABYSITTERS WANTED: The Friday night Koinonia group meeting at Sheldon & Leslie Eng’s home, is looking for babysitters. This is a paid position. If you are interested, please contact the Engs.
JEMS 15th Annual Co-ed Volleyball Tournament
When: Saturday, February 18, 2006, 8:30 a.m – 6:00 p.m.
Where: El Camino College – Men’s North Gym (16007 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance)
Registration Deadline: January 19,2006 (after 1/19 late fee of $20)
Fee: $180/team (to cover gym costs, guest speaker’shonorarium, t-shirts,
awards, insurance, printing, administrative costs, and other tournament costs.
For registration forms or more info email: [email protected]g
eading Plan in PDF
Listen to 40 Days of Purpose Sermons:
October 9, 2005: What on Earth Am I Here For? – Pastor Rob Yonemoto
October 16, 2005: Planned For God’s Pleasure – Pastor Rob Yonemoto
October 23, 2005: Formed For God’s Family – Pastor Roland Hazama
October 30, 2005: Created To Become Like Christ – Pastor Rob Yonemoto
November 6, 2005: Shaped for Serving God – Pastor Roland Hazama
November 13, 2005: Made for a Mission – Pastor Rob Yonemoto
For questions, please email [email protected]
Zoe International Ministries – Missions Sharing – Mike and Carol Hart
Join us for a great vacation from 8/25 – 9/1/2006 (Friday to Friday). Theme: Building Lasting Friendships with Priceless People. A group block of cabins is being held on Royal Caribbean’s Vision of the Seas to Alaska & Canada.
Prices vary depending on deck level & cabin, but SS Travel matched Costco rates & are giving each person a $40 gift credit. Book early for price protection. If you need to cancel, deposit is fully refundable up until balance payment due date of June 2006.
Sunday Morning Prayer8:00-8:50 AMPlease join our Sunday morning prayer group as we pray for REFRESHMENT, REVIVAL AND RENEWAL of our beloved SFVHC!!! We are actually the ones coming away so blessed as we pray together for our pastors, our leadership, our church family, and all of the ministries of our church! Please join us!!
Help Wanted
People are needed to help out with doing the audio on Sundays. For those interested in learning how the sound board works and other audio equipment, we will provide training and mentorship. Anyone is welcome, we are just looking for a commitment for serving God. Please contact Dale Gin, Bob Yamashita, Ken Mori, or Doug Nakada. Dale can also be reached by email: [email protected]
Want to get involved at church but don’t know how or where to start?
Consider the following:
1. Join the church clean-up crew. It requires no special skills and people of all ages may participate! It’s a good way to meet others from church too! Questions or to sign up, see Lynda Kira.2. We need one more volunteer for Sunday School (Kid Venture) administration to replace Grace Ogawa. Administrators help to get supplies and props together for Sunday School teachers and shepherds. Questions or to sign up, see Lynda Kira.3. Join the coffee hour ministry team. Help serve the goodies between services. Questions or to sign up, see Grace Yokomizo.THANK YOU for answering the call for winter clothing for the Rescue Center ministry. We have plenty of warm clothing to offer out guests now, but because of lack of storage space, please do not bring anymore clothes to church. You may call the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission to schedule a pick-up of your usable items. (1-800-417-5678)
Ogawa’s New Contact Information – See directory
ANNOUNCEMENTS for the Sunday bulletin
should be submitted by 9:00 am on the preceeding Friday. You may email your announcements to: [email protected] or give to Diane Date.
Rescue Center Ministry Team Roster
Audio Sermons available and can be played with Free Real Player 8